Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tomorrow begins Whole 30.  I've noticed a phenomenon today - similar to when I'm pregnant and notice every other other preggo.  Knowing that tomorrow is the start of Whole 30 I noticed every single bit of food that I will not be enjoying for the next 30 days....everything stood out to me.  I've come to one conclusion:  I will not ever do any sort of 'diet' again after this.  Fasting may be one thing, but dieting is another.  I am still glad I'm doing this, but will be happy when it is over.

I also read a passage from Deuteronomy 14:22 this morning.  It's about celebrating with our tithes and how using versus hoarding our tithes creates fear of the Lord - i.e. trust.  If we use what we have instead of hoarding, it does force us to trust and rely on God to make the rest/ '90 percent' be enough.  It reinforced two things for me:  1)  We are called to CELEBRATE.  There are seasons for sorrow and sadness, so when we have seasons to celebrate, I will gladly embrace it!  It's why I really like birthday parties.  :)  2) Living radically is so counterintuitive to how we've been taught to live 'responsibly'.  God was commanding the Israelites to use their tithes so that they would HAVE to rely on God for the rest.  If we always have a comfortable savings, we'll never learn to rely/trust in God in that way.  Not saying it's easy. at. all.  But what a great motivation to be generous, too!

So, I will give this Whole 30 my best and trust that even this will deepen my relationship with Christ.  And when this is over I will CELEBRATE with some ice cream!  :)  How convenient that day 31 happens to be Reagan's 5th birthday!

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