Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 14 - Not Always What You Think

I have a dilemma.

Conventional wisdom says that if you have a reaction to a certain type of food, then it must mean that it's somehow bad for you and you should cut it out.  i.e. cutting out dairy due to side effects like bloating, lactose intolerance, etc.  And Whole 30 cuts out a lot of foods due to their negative health effects.

But here is my dilemma:  and this is WAY more than I would normally ever share...because again, I'm WAY more private than I let most people know.  Here goes:  kimchee gives me gas.  Yikes - I'm embarrassed just writing that....so tempted to delete, delete, delete...  Some facts though:  I've eaten it pretty much my entire life (every form of it under the sun!), I really like it, and in countless food discussions it is listed as a REALLY good-for-you-so-you-should-learn-to-like-it type food.  It has so many health benefits.... yet, if I were to base it just on the symptoms presented, it could easily be considered 'negative'.  So why does a super healthy food have such ill effects?  Maybe it's just what cabbage does...and pickled/fermented cabbage is like regular cabbage times 10.  It's like broccoli..... so good for you, yet it can also cause gas (so I've heard).

Here's my point....in case you got lost in all the above.  Just because you have negative side effects from a food it doesn't necessarily mean it is bad for you.  Sometimes it is what it is.  This just makes me think twice about some of the foods that have been restricted by Whole 30.

Today's observations:  I do feel like I had a little bit more energy - but I did sleep in later than normal, didn't work out this morning and I had an appointment canceled this morning so that meant one less thing in our routine, Téa got her morning nap so she wasn't grouchy for the rest of the morning and I had a second cup of coffee.  Just not sure exactly what gets the credit for my extra energy.  But I certainly did have a little extra pep in my step come 2:00!  :)


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