Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 5 - oopsy daisy!

ok- I had a minor slip up today.  On the way out the door I needed just a small quick snack so I grabbed a handful of banana chips and didn't think twice about eating them.  I had some a few months ago from Trader Joe's and the only ingredient in them was bananas (as it should be, right?) so I never even thought of checking these that were a different brand....but sure enough, I happened to check the bag when I got home and the two main ingredients: bananas and sugar.  Ugh.  So bummed that I slipped up.

On a separate note, the meeting I went to was for a Young Life Fundraiser.  As I was driving home I realized what a good mood I was in... could it be Whole 30? Well, probably not since I had just had sugar!  (I'm letting it go...).  I was in a good mood because I had just left a meeting with folks who had a heart and passion for a bigger mission.  Something bigger than us - a mission of sharing the Gospel with a world of lost kids.  See, I was genuinely happy because I had been focusing on something other than ME.

Of course as soon as I got home, I had to start cooking and preparing a few things to be ready for dinner and this week.  While I was preparing, my husband was showing our kids the new gymnastics apparatus he had built for them this weekend.  They were in the garage trying it out and playing on the parallel bars, rope, overhead bars and swing, having a good time.  And there I was...missing out because I was busy making my own ketchup.  There's no question that the ketchup I made from scratch is much healthier for your body (and golly, it ACTUALLY tastes good, too!), but I was focusing on me and missing out on enjoying the blessing of OTHERS.  This is what I truly dislike about Whole 30. There is no debate about it being healthier for me (my clothes are already looser and my 'gut' does indeed feel lighter), but maybe it's not all about me.  Actually, I KNOW it's not all about me.  Because when something is all about me, I am not all that happy.  To pursue a purpose/mission bigger than me and love the ones He has blessed me with makes me happy.  and it honors Him.  Loving God, otherness, enjoying His blessings - that's the real food we need.  

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