Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 7 - Reverse Economics

Correction:  I mentioned in the entry for Day 6 something called Reverse Economics from Bob Goff's book, Love Does - it's not a chapter title...but the concept is mentioned in it.  The chapter is actually called Corner Store Economics.

This is how I think it ties in with the verse from Matthew 15:10-19 " ...it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth.."

See, Whole 30 is all about eating 'clean' and keeping yucky stuff out of our bodies.  Yet, Jesus turns this upside down and says that it's not about what goes in, but more about what comes out of our mouth - v. 18-20 " but what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery...these are what defile a person.  But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone."

Don't get me wrong.  I'm all about being good stewards of our bodies (after two very rough births with multiple blood transfusions, I fully appreciate my health!).  But Jesus is getting to the heart of the matter (no pun intended).  Of course taking care of our bodies is good and all, but what about the heart matter?  That's the important stuff.  Do my words and thoughts reflect a 'clean' heart?  Are my words and thoughts passive aggressive, spiteful, sarcastic, laced in jealousy, etc.  Or are they used to build others up and honor Him?

How clean I am is not to be determined by what goes in my mouth, rather, it's reflected in what comes out of out my mouth.  It's not what goes in, but what comes out.

Something I forgot to mention earlier regarding my Whole 30 experience thus far is that I took a break from working out.  My back, hips, knees, basically everything was aching and hurting so I took a break for about a week and a half.  Tomorrow I start back up to train for the Half Marathon.  We'll see how I feel as I add WODs and running back into my routine.    

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