Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 11 & 12: Comparison

Sorry I didn't post yesterday...we had company in town and we wanted to enjoy our time with them.  And I'm beat.... somewhat on the verge of getting sick and I'm hoping some extra sleep (and garlic!) will help keep whatever this is at bay.

Day 11 Notes:  I was excited when I realized that I'm a third of the way through Whole 30!  For dinner on Day 11 we were treated to a yummy homemade Korean meal with some good friends and then we hopped on over to another friend's 3 year old's birthday party.  You know what's a common theme through so many of the fun times we've shared with our friends?  FOOD.  Good.  Yummy.  Food.  Of course the food wouldn't be fun without the folks, but you can't deny that food makes for a great excuse to gather and be merry.  Of course there are some undeniable side effects of sugar:  I went upstairs at some point in the evening to check on the kiddos after cupcakes and ice cream and they were like wild banchees!!!  Seriously.  I don't scare easily, but at one point I did wonder if I was safe as the only adult upstairs.....Here's the definition of a banchee:  its a mythical creature that screams a high pitched scream that is suppose to paralyze or kill with its screams.

I'm feeling 'fine' as of Day 11 & 12... I keep waiting for this so called 'tiger blood' and awesome increase of energy to manifest itself, but so far, nothing of the sort.  If anything, an odd thing is that it actually takes me LONGER than normal to fall asleep now.  I think this is the opposite of what is supposed to happen?  We'll see how things progress this week.  

Day 12 Notes:  Something I realized while we were eating dinner:  my bowl of yumminess was awesome.  and I was completely content.  Until I saw my husband's same bowl of yumminess with rice.  Then I was a wee bit jealous.  And if you gave me any plate of Whole 30 food I would probably think it was just fine until I saw someone else's.  See the theme?  As quoted by Roosevelt:  "Comparison is the thief of joy". When I mind my own business, I'm pretty content.... but get me a little distracted and all the sudden what I have doesn't seem so shiny anymore.  

Today's discovery of yummy random combination:  twice baked sweet potato with cinnamon AND coconut milk (the rich, creamy part).  The other random eat (my extra dose of garlic) was oven roasted garlic with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  My hubby had it with a grilled cheese and that looked REALLY good.  There I go getting distracted again...

Final note of the day:  I'm kind of sick of meat.  Whole 30 requires that you eat a large amount of veggies and meat.  A part of me just wonders, is this much meat even good for you?  My friend sent me a link to a video called Forks over Knives, and from what I've briefly seen, it has contradictory guidelines to Whole 30, particularly the large amounts of meat.  So, I'm not the only one who feels like Whole 30 might be too 'meat' heavy.  We'll see.....

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