Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 8 - Delayed Gratification

When just about everything you eat is made from scratch, it takes TIME.  I can slap together a pb & j in minutes....but a grilled chicken salad sure takes longer.  And you have to be more deliberate about how/when you prepare your food.  As much as I am not happy about the delayed gratification and need to be so deliberate, they are actually two characteristics that I could use more practice in.  Also, they are two characteristics of Jesus revealed in scripture.

I recently read a passage from Mark when a man named Jairus comes to ask Jesus to heal his sick daughter.  As Jesus is on his way to Jairus's daughter, surrounded by a crowd, we encounter the story of the woman who had been bleeding for years and knows that if only she touches just the hem of his robe, she could be healed.  Now, just this story of the woman being healed is pretty cool, but I always wonder what Jairus was doing in the background.  If it were me I would be thinking something along the lines of 'c'mon daughter is SICK..she's can come back to this lady....' and then when Jesus stops to talk to her I would probably barely be holding it together saying 'C'MON, LET'S GO!!!  My little girl is dying...PLLLEEAASE.'  And then Jesus and Jairus finally arrive at his home only to find that his little girl died...or so they thought.  At this point, I would have probably lost it...and would have blurt out something like, 'See!!!  You took too long!  It's too late!'.  But the thing is, Jesus knew exactly what He was doing.

Sometimes, I think Jesus wants us to learn to wait.  and be deliberate.  I often fly through my days from one thing to another and find having to wait and be deliberate annoying.  There's something in every situation for us to learn from...if we would only slow down and give it a chance.  I love when my day runs efficiently and smoothly, but those aren't necessarily the days I learn the most.

As for more Whole30 specific things:  today's confession is that I am tired of eating either like a rabbit or a carnivore.  Sooo many veggies and meat in almost every meal.  It's just not for me.  So, on Day 8 I needed a break.  I think I survived today on eggs, nuts, fruit and sweet potatoes.  I'm not kidding.  Oh, and coffee.  Tomorrow I will be motivated to cook up some new things.  Today was a good 'break'.    

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