Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 13 - Repeats

I'm surprised to say that it's Day 13 and I'm only now really beginning to repeat major meals.  Today was only the second time I've made curry during Whole 30....I thought I'd be repeating the same exact meal plan every week, hence cooking each main meal about four times, but with leftovers, eating at a friend's house and some random combinations I haven't been bored of meals...yet.  I'm quite pleasantly surprised!

Again, I don't have this 'tiger-blood'/surge in energy that has been mentioned by so many folks.... actually, my days still feel like this:  up early, tired around 2 (when kids are having some quiet time), but push through because there is no possibility of catching a nap due to our lovely jack hammer across the street, fall asleep while nursing Téa around 7 and then stay up til 10 ish.  Yep, that's how I felt before Whole 30 and still the same.  Maybe there should be a Whole 30 version when you're chasing down little ones....

Something that was VERY different today, though, is that I had a very vivid dream last night.  It's the most memorable/vivid dream I've had in a while....long story short, we were being held hostage and I had one last chance to grab some items in our house for our family and friends and I immediately started grabbing the SUGAR and COOKIES!  While grabbing said sweets, I was totally caught and busted by the hostage-r.  hhmm.....subconscious anyone??? I don't know if it's because Téa was up at 4:20 (been a while since she has done that) or a side effect of Whole 30?  Either way.  It was notable.

Throughout this experience, something that I keep coming back to is just how much the Bible mentions food...seriously, it's mentioned everywhere - Old Testament, New Testament... eat and be merry (Ecclesiastes), miracles of food (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), etc.  So, maybe food was an issue back then as it is today?  I particularly noticed Luke 10: 7, 8... It's Jesus' instructions as he sends out the 72, two by two...  "and remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they what is set before you."  It seems to me that Jesus places the importance of relationships over what the actual food is.  It's not about what was served...just that fact that it was served and they were told to eat it.  Just makes me wonder if we spend too much time worrying about food (which the bible says also not to do!  in a slightly different manner...referring to not worrying about what you will eat) - between the Atkins, Whole 30, Paleo, Feast and Famine, Forks over Knives, vegetarians,  organic, GMO, local, alkaline, etc, there is no shortage of food belief systems.  And most of the time it serves to separate us from one another - i.e. one is better than the other... 'good' foods vs 'evil foods', etc.. in essence, it places food above relationships.  And sometimes it causes relationships to be based on foods/food belief systems.  I'm all about advocating for being healthy, but I just think there has to be more to this life.

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