Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 15 & 16 - Seasons

I'm combining yesterday's blog with today because we had a late night....but for a good reason.  We had the honor of being part of a super special event as our friends got engaged.  It's pretty cool to see our friend so in LOVE.  Seriously.... I wonder if this is what folks thought of me when I got engaged?  It's cute.

But then we got a flat tire on the way home which delayed us a good bit.... and I kept thinking how years ago being out late would not have phased me in the least.  And golly, doing Whole 30 sure did not in any way make being up past my bed time any easier!  Again - where is that tiger blood???!? I digress..... (but can you tell I could REALLY use that tiger blood?).

And recently I have been dealing with a handful of injuries....separated ab muscles, hernia, back problems, injured achilles tendons, etc... It seems like quite the season of brokenness.  This is all a bit humbling because a few years ago, pre-momminess, I was maxing APFTs, did the most sit ups in my unit at one point and could do more pull ups than some guys in my small group.  I'm not bragging - honestly - trying to convey just how far I feel from where I used to be.  

This is all ties in with what our pastor has been preaching on in Ecclesiastes.  Seasons.  There are seasons for everything and everyone.  Mine seems to be one of physical aches and pains, but hands full with everything one could really ask for - loving family, relationships.

This experiment with Whole 30 is a season.... of trying to figure out just exactly how I can be the best steward of my body (diet and exercise) in order to enjoy this season, and the next, and the ones after that, to the fullest.  Here is the realization:  Whole 30 should serve me, not the other way around.  In other words, if Whole 30 is helping me maximize every season of life that God grants me, then great.  But if not -if instead it is distracting me from the very things I should be enjoying, then it is not for me.

As for physical observations thus far:  1) OVER HALFWAY THERE!  2) I do feel lighter/thinner in my thighs (surprise, surprise....all that ice cream melting away!) and my pants are a wee bit looser/aka a little less junk in the trunk  (or is that because I've worn them so many times without washing...because I don't have time...because I'm cooking!) 3) not much else seems different - I still have what I call my 'baby buddha' ... it needs to go.  hello summer!

Speaking of is the last day of February, which makes tomorrow the first day of March, which in my book is the beginning of SPRING.... and that is a season I'm looking forward to!    

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 14 - Not Always What You Think

I have a dilemma.

Conventional wisdom says that if you have a reaction to a certain type of food, then it must mean that it's somehow bad for you and you should cut it out.  i.e. cutting out dairy due to side effects like bloating, lactose intolerance, etc.  And Whole 30 cuts out a lot of foods due to their negative health effects.

But here is my dilemma:  and this is WAY more than I would normally ever share...because again, I'm WAY more private than I let most people know.  Here goes:  kimchee gives me gas.  Yikes - I'm embarrassed just writing tempted to delete, delete, delete...  Some facts though:  I've eaten it pretty much my entire life (every form of it under the sun!), I really like it, and in countless food discussions it is listed as a REALLY good-for-you-so-you-should-learn-to-like-it type food.  It has so many health benefits.... yet, if I were to base it just on the symptoms presented, it could easily be considered 'negative'.  So why does a super healthy food have such ill effects?  Maybe it's just what cabbage does...and pickled/fermented cabbage is like regular cabbage times 10.  It's like broccoli..... so good for you, yet it can also cause gas (so I've heard).

Here's my case you got lost in all the above.  Just because you have negative side effects from a food it doesn't necessarily mean it is bad for you.  Sometimes it is what it is.  This just makes me think twice about some of the foods that have been restricted by Whole 30.

Today's observations:  I do feel like I had a little bit more energy - but I did sleep in later than normal, didn't work out this morning and I had an appointment canceled this morning so that meant one less thing in our routine, Téa got her morning nap so she wasn't grouchy for the rest of the morning and I had a second cup of coffee.  Just not sure exactly what gets the credit for my extra energy.  But I certainly did have a little extra pep in my step come 2:00!  :)


Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 13 - Repeats

I'm surprised to say that it's Day 13 and I'm only now really beginning to repeat major meals.  Today was only the second time I've made curry during Whole 30....I thought I'd be repeating the same exact meal plan every week, hence cooking each main meal about four times, but with leftovers, eating at a friend's house and some random combinations I haven't been bored of meals...yet.  I'm quite pleasantly surprised!

Again, I don't have this 'tiger-blood'/surge in energy that has been mentioned by so many folks.... actually, my days still feel like this:  up early, tired around 2 (when kids are having some quiet time), but push through because there is no possibility of catching a nap due to our lovely jack hammer across the street, fall asleep while nursing Téa around 7 and then stay up til 10 ish.  Yep, that's how I felt before Whole 30 and still the same.  Maybe there should be a Whole 30 version when you're chasing down little ones....

Something that was VERY different today, though, is that I had a very vivid dream last night.  It's the most memorable/vivid dream I've had in a while....long story short, we were being held hostage and I had one last chance to grab some items in our house for our family and friends and I immediately started grabbing the SUGAR and COOKIES!  While grabbing said sweets, I was totally caught and busted by the hostage-r.  hhmm.....subconscious anyone??? I don't know if it's because Téa was up at 4:20 (been a while since she has done that) or a side effect of Whole 30?  Either way.  It was notable.

Throughout this experience, something that I keep coming back to is just how much the Bible mentions food...seriously, it's mentioned everywhere - Old Testament, New Testament... eat and be merry (Ecclesiastes), miracles of food (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), etc.  So, maybe food was an issue back then as it is today?  I particularly noticed Luke 10: 7, 8... It's Jesus' instructions as he sends out the 72, two by two...  "and remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they what is set before you."  It seems to me that Jesus places the importance of relationships over what the actual food is.  It's not about what was served...just that fact that it was served and they were told to eat it.  Just makes me wonder if we spend too much time worrying about food (which the bible says also not to do!  in a slightly different manner...referring to not worrying about what you will eat) - between the Atkins, Whole 30, Paleo, Feast and Famine, Forks over Knives, vegetarians,  organic, GMO, local, alkaline, etc, there is no shortage of food belief systems.  And most of the time it serves to separate us from one another - i.e. one is better than the other... 'good' foods vs 'evil foods', etc.. in essence, it places food above relationships.  And sometimes it causes relationships to be based on foods/food belief systems.  I'm all about advocating for being healthy, but I just think there has to be more to this life.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 11 & 12: Comparison

Sorry I didn't post yesterday...we had company in town and we wanted to enjoy our time with them.  And I'm beat.... somewhat on the verge of getting sick and I'm hoping some extra sleep (and garlic!) will help keep whatever this is at bay.

Day 11 Notes:  I was excited when I realized that I'm a third of the way through Whole 30!  For dinner on Day 11 we were treated to a yummy homemade Korean meal with some good friends and then we hopped on over to another friend's 3 year old's birthday party.  You know what's a common theme through so many of the fun times we've shared with our friends?  FOOD.  Good.  Yummy.  Food.  Of course the food wouldn't be fun without the folks, but you can't deny that food makes for a great excuse to gather and be merry.  Of course there are some undeniable side effects of sugar:  I went upstairs at some point in the evening to check on the kiddos after cupcakes and ice cream and they were like wild banchees!!!  Seriously.  I don't scare easily, but at one point I did wonder if I was safe as the only adult upstairs.....Here's the definition of a banchee:  its a mythical creature that screams a high pitched scream that is suppose to paralyze or kill with its screams.

I'm feeling 'fine' as of Day 11 & 12... I keep waiting for this so called 'tiger blood' and awesome increase of energy to manifest itself, but so far, nothing of the sort.  If anything, an odd thing is that it actually takes me LONGER than normal to fall asleep now.  I think this is the opposite of what is supposed to happen?  We'll see how things progress this week.  

Day 12 Notes:  Something I realized while we were eating dinner:  my bowl of yumminess was awesome.  and I was completely content.  Until I saw my husband's same bowl of yumminess with rice.  Then I was a wee bit jealous.  And if you gave me any plate of Whole 30 food I would probably think it was just fine until I saw someone else's.  See the theme?  As quoted by Roosevelt:  "Comparison is the thief of joy". When I mind my own business, I'm pretty content.... but get me a little distracted and all the sudden what I have doesn't seem so shiny anymore.  

Today's discovery of yummy random combination:  twice baked sweet potato with cinnamon AND coconut milk (the rich, creamy part).  The other random eat (my extra dose of garlic) was oven roasted garlic with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  My hubby had it with a grilled cheese and that looked REALLY good.  There I go getting distracted again...

Final note of the day:  I'm kind of sick of meat.  Whole 30 requires that you eat a large amount of veggies and meat.  A part of me just wonders, is this much meat even good for you?  My friend sent me a link to a video called Forks over Knives, and from what I've briefly seen, it has contradictory guidelines to Whole 30, particularly the large amounts of meat.  So, I'm not the only one who feels like Whole 30 might be too 'meat' heavy.  We'll see.....

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 10 - perseverance

It's late so I'll make some quick notes.  My friend pointed out to me today's devotional entry from Oswald chamber's My Utmost for His Highest.  It was about not just enduring but persevering and the difference between the two.  Amongst a few other things I related it to whole 30.... How just recently I've gotten into this mentality that I am going to survive the next 20 days versus how I can thrive in the next 20 days.  See, I started this with certain goals in mind and I kind of lost sight of them..... Lost my mojo, so to speak.  Here's to an attitude change- discovering some new foods and trying to enjoy the rest of whole 30 as much as I can.  I'm going to see this through trusting that I have much to learn from Him through even whole 30.  It's not just going to annoy me for the next 20 days.  I will embrace it!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 9 - Annoyance

One of the reasons I wanted to do Whole 30 was because so many had mentioned that it helped improve their moods.  Since I am guilty of often being 'annoyed' by surrounding circumstances (everything from countless requests made of me throughout the day to hours of listening to a jackhammer), I figured everyone who comes into direct contact with me could benefit from a less 'annoyed' Jen.

Today was a good test for this.  I'm past what should be the initial withdrawal phase, the kids were rambunctious, my baby was grouchy, the jack hammer just kept going and going and going, I was tired, my husband and I had a miscommunication...the conditions were set for an 'annoyed Jen'.  So, did being on Whole 30 improve my mood?  Quite honestly, no.  It just didn't work for me.  Of course I definitely believe that eating well, exercising, and getting good rest are influential in my general attitude, but my decision on whether or not to be annoyed is a heart matter.  Not a matter of how clean or unclean my diet has been.

Usually there is much more to me just being 'annoyed', though.... I use that as a general label when a more accurate description is usually that I'm just worn out, tired, my feelings were hurt, I'm insecure, etc.  More often than not, I use 'annoyed' as a quick response.

And on a slightly different note, I realized today that I am privileged to even try Whole 30.  I have enough access to food that I can actually 'turn down' food.  Some others in this world would think this is absolutely ludicrous.  Some will take every scrap they can get.  And I have access to fresh produce!  I remember how content I was with my shelf stable 'milk' we had in Iraq.....I think I remember the expiration date being somewhere in the 'months' range.

As I 'take' in so much fresh produce and 'clean' food, I'm trying to remember to be generous in other ways.  "To he who has been given much, much is expected".  Mark 14: 3-9 captured my attention in the area of generosity....  more to follow tomorrow....  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 8 - Delayed Gratification

When just about everything you eat is made from scratch, it takes TIME.  I can slap together a pb & j in minutes....but a grilled chicken salad sure takes longer.  And you have to be more deliberate about how/when you prepare your food.  As much as I am not happy about the delayed gratification and need to be so deliberate, they are actually two characteristics that I could use more practice in.  Also, they are two characteristics of Jesus revealed in scripture.

I recently read a passage from Mark when a man named Jairus comes to ask Jesus to heal his sick daughter.  As Jesus is on his way to Jairus's daughter, surrounded by a crowd, we encounter the story of the woman who had been bleeding for years and knows that if only she touches just the hem of his robe, she could be healed.  Now, just this story of the woman being healed is pretty cool, but I always wonder what Jairus was doing in the background.  If it were me I would be thinking something along the lines of 'c'mon daughter is SICK..she's can come back to this lady....' and then when Jesus stops to talk to her I would probably barely be holding it together saying 'C'MON, LET'S GO!!!  My little girl is dying...PLLLEEAASE.'  And then Jesus and Jairus finally arrive at his home only to find that his little girl died...or so they thought.  At this point, I would have probably lost it...and would have blurt out something like, 'See!!!  You took too long!  It's too late!'.  But the thing is, Jesus knew exactly what He was doing.

Sometimes, I think Jesus wants us to learn to wait.  and be deliberate.  I often fly through my days from one thing to another and find having to wait and be deliberate annoying.  There's something in every situation for us to learn from...if we would only slow down and give it a chance.  I love when my day runs efficiently and smoothly, but those aren't necessarily the days I learn the most.

As for more Whole30 specific things:  today's confession is that I am tired of eating either like a rabbit or a carnivore.  Sooo many veggies and meat in almost every meal.  It's just not for me.  So, on Day 8 I needed a break.  I think I survived today on eggs, nuts, fruit and sweet potatoes.  I'm not kidding.  Oh, and coffee.  Tomorrow I will be motivated to cook up some new things.  Today was a good 'break'.    

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 7 - Reverse Economics

Correction:  I mentioned in the entry for Day 6 something called Reverse Economics from Bob Goff's book, Love Does - it's not a chapter title...but the concept is mentioned in it.  The chapter is actually called Corner Store Economics.

This is how I think it ties in with the verse from Matthew 15:10-19 " is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth.."

See, Whole 30 is all about eating 'clean' and keeping yucky stuff out of our bodies.  Yet, Jesus turns this upside down and says that it's not about what goes in, but more about what comes out of our mouth - v. 18-20 " but what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery...these are what defile a person.  But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone."

Don't get me wrong.  I'm all about being good stewards of our bodies (after two very rough births with multiple blood transfusions, I fully appreciate my health!).  But Jesus is getting to the heart of the matter (no pun intended).  Of course taking care of our bodies is good and all, but what about the heart matter?  That's the important stuff.  Do my words and thoughts reflect a 'clean' heart?  Are my words and thoughts passive aggressive, spiteful, sarcastic, laced in jealousy, etc.  Or are they used to build others up and honor Him?

How clean I am is not to be determined by what goes in my mouth, rather, it's reflected in what comes out of out my mouth.  It's not what goes in, but what comes out.

Something I forgot to mention earlier regarding my Whole 30 experience thus far is that I took a break from working out.  My back, hips, knees, basically everything was aching and hurting so I took a break for about a week and a half.  Tomorrow I start back up to train for the Half Marathon.  We'll see how I feel as I add WODs and running back into my routine.    

Day 6 - adjusted

Finally! I do feel like my body has finally adjusted.... There are certainly noticeable effects: my gut never seems heavy/ full, my clothes are looser, and I don't feel constantly hungry anymore.  I also have a pretty good menu of meals and snacks that I can make without an inordinate amount of effort.

Last night's dinner was Aussie burgers- yum!! It will be a repeat meal.  Cream of broccoli soup will also be in our meal rotation - perfect for the winter.  And I finally have sweet potato fries down! The key: make sure they are spread apart on the cookie sheet... Then you get crispy yummy fries.  It took a lot of sweet potatoes to get this recipe 'just right'.

Another observation: I wash my hands way more often! No longer just licking the little bit of frosting or jelly off my fingers...or even most condiments! I suppose this would be easier if I only cooked for myself.  My most interesting side effect so far: my breast milk seems way creamier/ fattier.  I'll take that!

I just read a passage in Matthew where Jesus talks about how it's not what goes into our body that makes us 'unclean' but rather it's the words that come out of our mouths which reflect the state of our heart.  And it ties in so well with a chapter title called 'reverse economics' from Bob Goff's book, Love Does.   More to follow on that....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 5 - oopsy daisy!

ok- I had a minor slip up today.  On the way out the door I needed just a small quick snack so I grabbed a handful of banana chips and didn't think twice about eating them.  I had some a few months ago from Trader Joe's and the only ingredient in them was bananas (as it should be, right?) so I never even thought of checking these that were a different brand....but sure enough, I happened to check the bag when I got home and the two main ingredients: bananas and sugar.  Ugh.  So bummed that I slipped up.

On a separate note, the meeting I went to was for a Young Life Fundraiser.  As I was driving home I realized what a good mood I was in... could it be Whole 30? Well, probably not since I had just had sugar!  (I'm letting it go...).  I was in a good mood because I had just left a meeting with folks who had a heart and passion for a bigger mission.  Something bigger than us - a mission of sharing the Gospel with a world of lost kids.  See, I was genuinely happy because I had been focusing on something other than ME.

Of course as soon as I got home, I had to start cooking and preparing a few things to be ready for dinner and this week.  While I was preparing, my husband was showing our kids the new gymnastics apparatus he had built for them this weekend.  They were in the garage trying it out and playing on the parallel bars, rope, overhead bars and swing, having a good time.  And there I was...missing out because I was busy making my own ketchup.  There's no question that the ketchup I made from scratch is much healthier for your body (and golly, it ACTUALLY tastes good, too!), but I was focusing on me and missing out on enjoying the blessing of OTHERS.  This is what I truly dislike about Whole 30. There is no debate about it being healthier for me (my clothes are already looser and my 'gut' does indeed feel lighter), but maybe it's not all about me.  Actually, I KNOW it's not all about me.  Because when something is all about me, I am not all that happy.  To pursue a purpose/mission bigger than me and love the ones He has blessed me with makes me happy.  and it honors Him.  Loving God, otherness, enjoying His blessings - that's the real food we need.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 4 - transformation or self denial?

One thing is for sure.  Adjusting to cooking Whole 30 compliant creates WAY more dishes!  My dishwasher is working overtime.

The other thing I wanted to note is that Whole 30 is not just about the actual food ingredients themselves.  There's a part on Whole 30's website that discourages even using Whole 30 compliant ingredients to make pseudo treats.  So that makes me think that it's not just the food in and of itself that Whole 30 aims to limit, but our desire for the 'unclean' foods.  For example, coconut milk, bananas and unsweetened cocoa powder are allowed.  But using those ingredients to make a dessert is not allowed.  So, it's not the ingredients, it's the idea of having a treat/dessert.

I just have to say that right now, as a Whole 30 newbie, that just seems down right silly to me!  Is it or is it not about the ingredients?  What is wrong with using better ingredients to adjust our palate for healthier treats?

Is it about transformation or self denial?  In other words, is it about changing the way we taste 'real' food and appreciate clean eating or just killing the desire to want a treat?

Maybe I'm just so tired of eating so much meat and eggs that I'm being a little grouchy about this topic... we'll see how I feel about this in another few days.  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 3 - yes, I am

Before the start of whole30 I was sure that I did not have an addiction to sugar. I eat fairly healthy, know about moderation and can turn down sugary sweets ... I even ask for half the syrup at Starbucks.  See?

But today I found myself in a pitiful situation.  I was making some frosting that included powdered sugar, but my hand mixer is broken so I was using my big stand mixer.  As I turned it on, all the powdered sugar 'poofed' into the air, creating a big cloud that left a thin layer of sugar on every surface.    The cloud of sugar was so big that when my son walked into the kitchen, he even asked why there was steam.  :)  As the big 'poof' of sugar was suspended in the air, I was literally sticking my tongue out hoping to get some sugar and even telling myself just to 'inhale'.  Yes. I. am. addicted. to. sugar.  I would have vehemently denied it before today, but now I know.  and I admit it.

I never denied myself all sugar before, so I was actually feeding my little addiction without even knowing it through small doses of 'moderation'.

But the thing is, we are all addicted to something.  This is what the Israelites in the Old Testament were constantly warned about and reprimanded for.  Allowing something other than God be their addiction - aka idolatry.  Addiction to anything other than God is bad.  Shoot, even an addiction to a good thing, like clean eating, is a bad thing because we make it first and foremost instead of being addicted to the First and Foremost.

Here's to discovering and breaking more hidden addictions.    

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2 - giving up and taking up

Day 2 happens to be Valentine's Day and it was one of the best yet.  I'm amazed that even after 10 years and 4 kids, my husband still loves me so well.  I know that he loves me, but he loves me well.  Really well.  He shows me his love in a way that only someone who has known me intimately for almost 15 years can do.

I was kind of grumpy today about that foods that I had to abstain from.... but it did make me realize how 'freely' I eat on a normal basis.  A small scoop of mac n cheese here, nibble on one cookie for a 'taste test' there, licking fingers, etc.... immediate gratification through my taste buds.

One thing I haven't mentioned yet that is the key in this whole experiment in conjunction with Lent, is that giving up/abstaining from certain foods isn't really worth much in the end if it doesn't bring me closer to Christ.  Giving up something for the sake of giving it up is purposeless if I don't use it to gain in my relationship with Christ.  I don't want something I give up to cause me to just think about myself more...Here's a great quote I read today.

Evangelical Christian author Eric Metaxas shared in a reflection how some view the idea of giving things up for Lent as "oppressive" when the occassion is actually a period of rejoicing for others.
"All this talk of self-examination and re-commitment sounds 'oppressive' and 'gloomy' to contemporary minds, including those belonging to Christians. For most moderns 'the central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself,'" writes Metaxas.
He adds, "During Lent, Christians, as a friend of mine once put it, 'rehearse — in the most basic meaning of that word — the story of our salvation, starting with the Fall and culminating in Good Friday.' And in this rehearsal, 'a consistent picture of God emerges: the God who takes the initiative in reconciling us to Himself.'

Read more at 

 "If the goal is merely the giving up of something without taking up of something more significant, the focus is just merely on the stuff which we give up or really, the focus is on the practice of giving up something rather than giving into Jesus — or in other words, our solidarity with Jesus. In truth, it becomes about us...," writes Cho.
"Anything that produces rituals, expressions, practices, and the like — without ultimately inviting us to a deeper understanding and worship of the Living God…lends itself to empty religion. And what we need isn't more religion. We need Gospel," he adds, meaning "a Gospel that cuts into the heart of humanity with a grace that compels us to not just merely to salvation but a life committed to justice, reconciliation, and redemption."

Read more at 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 1

Day 1 was not too bad.... it actually kick started my recipe brainstorming.  New recipes have been running through my head all day!  I'm looking forward to trying these out this month.

One thing I noticed is that there is definitely a circadian rhythm to my appetite.  Savory all day, but my sweet tooth really kicks in in the evening after dinner.  I also really like texture....I miss the creaminess of my ice cream.  :(

Today's menu included 1) broccoli salad with apples, bacon and balsamic vinaigrette and 2) chicken curry

This morning's workout was a WOD.

The biggest thing I dislike about doing a 'diet' is the affect on social settings.  If someone cooks food for me, I feel terrible/rude about turning it down.  But I really do want to see how this experiment goes.  So, my solution?  I am going to use 'to go' plates and can save a lot in the freezer and wait to enjoy them in 29 days!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tomorrow begins Whole 30.  I've noticed a phenomenon today - similar to when I'm pregnant and notice every other other preggo.  Knowing that tomorrow is the start of Whole 30 I noticed every single bit of food that I will not be enjoying for the next 30 days....everything stood out to me.  I've come to one conclusion:  I will not ever do any sort of 'diet' again after this.  Fasting may be one thing, but dieting is another.  I am still glad I'm doing this, but will be happy when it is over.

I also read a passage from Deuteronomy 14:22 this morning.  It's about celebrating with our tithes and how using versus hoarding our tithes creates fear of the Lord - i.e. trust.  If we use what we have instead of hoarding, it does force us to trust and rely on God to make the rest/ '90 percent' be enough.  It reinforced two things for me:  1)  We are called to CELEBRATE.  There are seasons for sorrow and sadness, so when we have seasons to celebrate, I will gladly embrace it!  It's why I really like birthday parties.  :)  2) Living radically is so counterintuitive to how we've been taught to live 'responsibly'.  God was commanding the Israelites to use their tithes so that they would HAVE to rely on God for the rest.  If we always have a comfortable savings, we'll never learn to rely/trust in God in that way.  Not saying it's easy. at. all.  But what a great motivation to be generous, too!

So, I will give this Whole 30 my best and trust that even this will deepen my relationship with Christ.  And when this is over I will CELEBRATE with some ice cream!  :)  How convenient that day 31 happens to be Reagan's 5th birthday!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Whole 30 - for real

I'm doing it - all in - for 30 WHOLE days...I keep telling myself that I can do anything for 30 days, but that is a lot of days to not eat ice cream, my favorite food group!

First of all - I want to keep this passage first and foremost regarding all the hype about food and my Whole 30 experiment.  Romans 14 (v.3) "let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgement on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him." (v.6) " the one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God." (v.13 - ) "Therefore let us not pass judgement on one another any longer." (v.17) "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."  (v.20) "Do not for the sake of food, destroy the work of God."

That said, here are the reasons why I'm doing Whole30.

1) I am curious!  I want to see for myself if this is legit or not.
2) I enjoy cooking and my favorite subject is science....they  kind of go hand in hand so this will be a good challenge for me to try some new recipes and learn more about food.
3) After I gave birth to Téa and got really sick, I gained a renewed appreciation for my health.  Right now my kids are 4 (five in March), 3, 2 and 6 1/2 months old.  I need/would like as much energy as possible to stay ahead of my crew!
4) I am SKEPTICAL.  Yes, I know - many are shaking your heads/rolling your eyes, saying tsk, tsk and 'you'll see', but I feel like we eat healthy enough right now that for us, the increase in effort to eat according to Whole 30, may not be worth the pay off.  In some ways I hope I'm wrong!  And that's what we're going to find out.
5) MOODS - I'm a girl, I'm a wife and I'm a mom.... it's safe to say that somewhere in there a moody person can be found at times.  One of the biggest reviews I've heard about Whole30 is that it helped folks stabilize their moods.  It certainly won't hurt my husband, kids and friends to have less 'moods' to endure.

I don't expect everyone to read my daily updates - I'm quite terrified of other people knowing what I do on a daily basis ... I'm very private in many ways (some of you wouldn't know that because I keep even THAT private :)).  But my updates will include my meals/workouts/and honest observations for those that want to know...check back on Wednesday if you want to see how my first day goes!