Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Far away Friends

Jen is not authoring this post.  She is still in the hospital recovering from surgery (with the hopes of heading home by the weekend).  I have hijacked her account (with permission!) in hopes of getting out some information to a broader audience.

Many of you, especially far away friends, have been asking what you can do to help Jen and the rest of the Hartney family.  Distance is somewhat limiting!

Here are a few things:

Keep praying!  God hears our pleas and praises and they touch His heart.

Send notes of encouragement. (...and maybe a picture/note for the kids!)

Send a 'treat'.  Jen is on a pretty restricted diet...vegan, vegetarian, raw, organic.  If you are wanting to include a 'treat' with your encouragement, please send something that meets that criteria.  These types of things are usually sold in health/whole food stores like Whole Foods or Sprouts.  You can order a lot of these sorts of products online ( too.  A few suggestions include:

  • products from 2 Moms In The Raw 
  • dried kale chips or other dried veggie/veggie chips
  • granola or granola bars
  • walnuts (no additives/flavors)
  • dried figs (no additives/flavors) or other no sugar added dried fruit
*If wondering what to get, look up 2 Moms in the Raw products on, click on one and then scroll through the 'customers who bought this item also bought' products further down the page.  This should provide a good starting point!

Clean their house.  They have a cleaning service set up.  If you're interested sponsoring a cleaning or two, please contact Kerry Faber,

Look forward.  Jen will likely be going to a cancer treatment center (Phoenix? Houston?) for chemo treatment.  There will be a lot of logistical needs to fill regarding those treatment trips.  If you are able/willing to help out with that (be a travel companion, help in El Paso, have friends/family in either of those locations that may be able to help), please consider doing so.

If you need the Hartney's address, please contact me,

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to Jen and her family.  And thank you for your willingness to do so even from afar!


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