Friday, December 12, 2014


First and foremost, we have GREAT news.  We met with our surgeon today and found out that the final lab results came back NEGATIVE.  The cancer has not spread and for that we are so very, very thankful!  We barely got a chance to enjoy the good news before being told some not so great news, though.  Our curveball.  When the labs dissected all the tissue removed during surgery, they found one part where they don't have 'clear margins'.  Basically, it means there may or may not be some cancerous tissue remaining.  And so we have another OR date reserved for either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week to remove more tissue.

To say I am feeling discouraged is an understatement.  I feel like I (literally) just got back on my feet and we are already looking at surgery again.  I am scared (the last experience is not a distant memory).  I am scared of the pain - of going beyond my pain threshold again.  I am heartbroken that more of me will have to be removed.  I am sad that there will be more and bigger scars and some more deformity (I apologize if that is too much information, but I promise to be transparent).

After we returned home I laid upstairs in bed, just needing a breather.  As I listened to some music and prayed, I kept thinking that I just didn't feel like I had enough fight left in me.  It's already been a battle and the end is not in sight and now we have a setback.

But I cannot let self pity get even a foothold in my heart.  So I kept praying and pleading with God...and let the tears flow.  And I remembered something - I don't have to fight this.  When I am weak, He is strong.  And for some reason His sacrifice for us on the Cross dominated my thoughts.   How He paid the price once and for all and we don't have to continually offer rituals or sacrifices to atone for ourselves or please some nebulous God.  Instead, He chose a Way that paid the price once and for all.  Hear that?  Once and for all, our salvation has been paid for.  No maintenance, no checking in to see if we're still 'good' with the big man, no continual efforts to stay in favor in order to gain access to the pearly gates.  And the only thing that I can do right now?  Is give thanks.

"  Offer to God a sacrifice of Thanksgiving....and call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me."  Psalm 50: 14

I don't feel like fighting right now.  And to be very honest, I don't feel like putting on a fake happy face.  I am heartbroken.  But I can and WILL give thanks.

And yes.  We have MUCH to be thankful for.  Here are just a few.....

1) My kids are beautiful - oh, their hearts.  Not once have they been upset with me because I haven't been able to be wholly 'mom'...not being able to pick them up, hold them, give them big squeeze hugs (which I YEARN for).  Instead, you know what they do?  They cheered for me when I was able to walk down the stairs and they reward me with stickers.  Their hearts are beautiful.  Please pray that God would continue to guard their hearts with innocence and tenderness and understanding.

2)  Friends.  I'm pretty sure my friends are the best that anyone could ask for.  I mean it.  Six of them, flying in from all over the country to love on me and my family.  And that's a sacrificial love, I know, because when they are here, their families are missing them.  They serve my family with joy and help in countless ways, so many times, without me having to even ask (you know, the friends who go change your kid's dirty diaper without having to be asked :)).  Please continue to cover their families in prayer.

3)  my husband.  He has been a solid rock.  He has not once complained about the seismic shift in responsibilities at home.  He is tired and is literally loving on me as 'christ has loved the church'.  He is love in action.  Pray for His strength, renewal and peace.

There is so much more that I could/should write...but I'm feeling guilty about sitting here and typing while my friends are cutting vegetables and cooking in the kitchen.  I could write much more about the friends who have offered to send their breastmilk, sent food and gifts/activities for the kids, flowers, cards, gift cards, care packages, friends who have done research for many things on my behalf.....the list could literally go on.

But I am tired and weary and just want to rest now.  But none of this changes that God is Good and He is in control.  My 'curveball' was known by Him from the beginning and so I am secure in His sovereignty.  Let's just hit this curveball out the park and look for a home run.  :)

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