Sunday, March 17, 2013

In the end

I can say that Whole 30 was overall a valuable experience.

It's been a while since my last post because I've been busy not being busy.  :)  Actually, it was spring break, my oldest's 5th birthday, and we've had some projects to work on around here...there's always a project in progress!

So, some of my final thoughts on Whole 30.  I now realize that I am indeed very 'addictable' ( I'm not sure if that's an actual word, but I'm making it an actual word for now).  I should have realized this when my husband bought me a tv DVD series intended to last for a few months and we finished it in one night.  Just as I am easily addicted to tv drama series, I am indeed a little addicted to sugar... or just the taste of 'sweet'.

Whole 30 has at least adjusted my palate for sweetness and now I don't require so much 'sweet' to satiate my sweet tooth.  Ok, enough 'sweets'.

Something else more significant I've noted:  when I don't have to eat a certain way because I'm not on Whole 30 I actually enjoy eating Whole 30 compliant.  Does that make sense?  In the past few days since Whole 30 has been over, I've actually made some dinners that were Whole 30 compliant without really intending's just how they turned out.  And for some reason I thought they tasted even better than they probably would have just six days ago.

Lastly, I know that I have certain 'triggers' that can set off a foul mood... I still can't say that having more sugar is necessarily one of those triggers, but going to bed too late, not getting enough sleep, not waking up early enough to read my Bible and be ahead of my kids, not exercising and not having a creative outlet are some of my personal triggers.  In lieu of maintaining a strict Whole 30 diet, I've realized that maintaining these personal disciplines are more important for my daily routine.

I hope some of these observations have been helpful or at least entertaining for anyone reading this....I'm glad for the experience of Whole 30 and even more glad to have enjoyed my bowl of ice cream tonight!

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