Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 20 - not a hater

Whoop Whoop!  10 day left!!!!  Which means 11 days til my son's birthday!  Not sure which I'm more excited about.... see, I get really excited to celebrate birthdays because growing up with both parents working and not much money, birthday celebrations were fairly simple (not that simple is bad!).  I just really appreciate having the chance to celebrate.  We've also experienced enough heart break in this world to want to take full advantage of the moments to celebrate when we have them.  I'm totally off topic, though...

Back to Whole 30.  Today's meals consisted of a pretty normal breakfast with fruit, salad with hard boiled eggs, apple and almond butter for a snack and a chicken stew for dinner (crock pot chicken...random spices, veggies and coconut milk for thickening) and sweet potato fries.  I love me some sweet potato fries on this diet!  Tomorrow will be eggs for breakfast, probably a similar lunch (quick and easy) and mexican dinner of taco seasoned beef and home made guac.  :)

So, in regards to the title of today's post, I want to clarify that I am not a Whole 30 Hater.  I need to say that because I feel like most of my posts have 'poo pooed' Whole 30.  But it very well might be a saving grace for some people.  Many have testified to how it has changed their life.  It just hasn't for me.  That doesn't mean I think it's a total sham.... I know some great folks who wholeheartedly endorse Whole 30.  So far, it just has not changed my life in a significant enough way to warrant the significant lifestyle change.  I hope this makes sense and is clear.

I read something recently from Acts speaking about repentance it talks about 'times of refreshing'. And earlier it talks in John 21 about when the disciples caught such a huge load of fish that they could barely haul the net out of the water - they were overwhelmed with how many fish they caught - yet, their net did not tear.  See, sometimes, we are pushed to our limits...sometimes with tough times, sometimes with blessings....we're often given more than what we think we can handle, but the Lord always upholds us (He promises to every time) and He brings times of refreshing.

I know that it may seem like I complain about the amount of effort Whole 30 requires (at least when you're feeding a family of little ones), but it's not because of the effort that I discount Whole 30.  It's because there haven't really been 'times of refreshing' along with the extra effort.  I hope that makes sense.  In other words, I'm not opposed to eating healthy and working a little harder to eat healthier and be a good steward of our bodies.  I just haven't seen the 'tiger blood' or 'easy sleep' after 20 days with a significant amount of my resources (being time and energy) devoted to Whole 30 thus far.

If it works for you, good for you!  I'm just trying to record my honest observations.  Maybe I will see more a difference after Whole 30, as I start adding things back into my diet....?  

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