Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 27 - cost and balance

Can I get a whoop whoop for tomorrow being my last day?!?!?  I'm pretty excited....and even more excited to celebrate my oldest's birthday!

I read an article earlier today about an extreme successful businesswoman who, in reflection, talks about how her success in the business world came at a cost that was not worth it.  The cost was her personal life...or rather lack of.

And it got me thinking about how everything has a cost.....not just in dollars, but in time, mental and emotional energy, personal relationships, etc.  And we often struggle to keep the costs in balance.

Speaking in terms of Whole 30 - regarding monetary cost:  it certainly costs a bit more for a diet in mostly meat and produce...BUT I did become more aware of how much I had previously spent on alcohol, dairy, and baked goods.  And of course, I became much more aware of how much time I spent in the kitchen during Whole 30...and the cost of it.

And the same applies to the cost we're willing to pay for entertainment, clothes, furniture, exercise, etc.  The same goes for saving money:  what am I willing to pay to save money? my time, energy, etc.  For me, it all boils down to my priorities.  What do I consider important enough to spend my time and energy on?  See, you can't have it all.  Everything costs something.

With Whole 30 I've seen just how much healthier I can eat...and now I know firsthand the costs associated with it.  Same goes with the job I used to have....I know how much fulfillment, enjoyment, satisfaction, identity, security, significance, etc I can find in a job, but having been a stay at home mom for almost five years now I know the cost is more than I am willing to pay.

Just as I am grateful for the time I had working, I'm grateful for the chance to do Whole 30, but I am ready to rebalance my priorities for what I consider to be an acceptable price.

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