Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 17- try, try and try again

So glad I have cauliflower rice another 'go'.  I tried it again today and for whatever reason it turned out delicious!! And it was really easy, too! And also had chocolate chili, which turned out better than imagined.  I only tried the cauliflower rice again because of a friend's enthusiastic post about the many different uses of it... I figured if she really liked it THAT much I could give it another go!  So, I leaned that though something may not have worked the first time, trying again can't hurt.

And I had the rice with kimchee and guess what??? No gas! Maybe it's the combination? Maybe extra fermentation time? I don't know why, but what a nice side effect ( or lack thereof).

That's all for today... Nothing ground breaking.... But another sweet day shared with good friends.

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