Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 24 - my dilemma

So, after I wrote yesterday's blog I realized that I had miscalculated day 30.  For whatever reason, I had in mind that day 31 was my oldest's 5th birthday......but after I wrote that yesterday was the one week mark I realized that my son's birthday is actually Day 28!  :(  Yep, it's kind of embarrassing that I miscalculated the dates, but I can blame it on February being a short month.... or just that I did bad math!  :(

So, here is my dilemma.  Do I finish out the 30 days like I had intended or will I just call it and partake of ice cream and birthday cake???  It's not so much that not eating ice cream or cake would ruin the birthday party (my son probably wouldn't even notice), but it's what I would remember.  I don't want to remember his 5th birthday party (which is extra special just because he is sssooooo excited about it!) and always have the 'yep, but I didn't have any ice cream with him because I was doing that whole 30 thing' as part of it.

And so far I haven't felt any extraordinary effects as a result of Whole 30 so I don't think two less days would be notable.... and just like the exclusion of regular white potatoes is somewhat arbitrary, I wonder if the '30' versus '28' days is arbitrary.

Then again, I'd be ssoooo close to doing the whole Whole 30!  It may be my pride that gets me in the end....

As for today's recordings:  it was a long day....and today we were snowed in so that always makes for what seems like even longer days.  Which leads me to more of a 'getting by' standard of eating....which means I ate a LOT of brussel sprouts today!  I've been trying out new recipes and I'm a bit addicted (I know, I know...isn't the whole point of Whole 30 to break me of food addictions???) to the savory taste of roasted brussel sprouts.  Seriously.  I. ate. a. lot. of. brussel. sprouts.  Probably the equivalent of a month's worth.

More to follow this weekend on my decision about 28 vs 30!

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