Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 23 - one week left!

Can I get a big whoop whoop???

Homestretch...... then I can raid slowly start enjoying all the little goodies that i've stashed away in the freezer.  :)  Delayed gratification will taste soooo good!

I think the biggest thing I realized today is that just in the same way that I like variety in all things ( clothes, color, sports, hairstyles, etc), I like variety in my foods/tastes.  It's what I miss the most while doing Whole 30.  I've mentioned before that I like to end meals on a sweet note (a mint, or dessert!)...and I think it's because it rounds out the variety of flavors I crave.  I like savory and sweet.  One isn't quite so good without the other.

On Whole 30 it's mostly been a palate of savory.... and I get tired of just one thing pretty easily.  Sweet isn't such a bad thing - sweet and sour, sweet and salty, etc.  Just like you can't appreciate the light without the dark, you can't fully appreciate the savory without the sweet (or at least I can't).  And so I find that my appetite is not quite satiated at the day's end because I haven't had that 'sweet' variety.  I keep trying to make up for it with a different flavor/seasoning on my meat, different veggies, different way of preparing veggies, different types of nuts, etc, but you just can't use a counterfeit for the real deal.

I think that can apply to many areas of life...trying to fill our soul's real need for a Savior with so many other 'shiny' things.  Our souls , deep down, know the difference and my taste buds do, too!  Ain't no chicken rub/sautee/veggie wrap/roast/whatever gonna fulfill the yearning for a lick of some sweet, creamy ice cream!

So, what's my conclusion?  Everything in moderation.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Moderation.

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