Sunday, March 17, 2013

In the end

I can say that Whole 30 was overall a valuable experience.

It's been a while since my last post because I've been busy not being busy.  :)  Actually, it was spring break, my oldest's 5th birthday, and we've had some projects to work on around here...there's always a project in progress!

So, some of my final thoughts on Whole 30.  I now realize that I am indeed very 'addictable' ( I'm not sure if that's an actual word, but I'm making it an actual word for now).  I should have realized this when my husband bought me a tv DVD series intended to last for a few months and we finished it in one night.  Just as I am easily addicted to tv drama series, I am indeed a little addicted to sugar... or just the taste of 'sweet'.

Whole 30 has at least adjusted my palate for sweetness and now I don't require so much 'sweet' to satiate my sweet tooth.  Ok, enough 'sweets'.

Something else more significant I've noted:  when I don't have to eat a certain way because I'm not on Whole 30 I actually enjoy eating Whole 30 compliant.  Does that make sense?  In the past few days since Whole 30 has been over, I've actually made some dinners that were Whole 30 compliant without really intending's just how they turned out.  And for some reason I thought they tasted even better than they probably would have just six days ago.

Lastly, I know that I have certain 'triggers' that can set off a foul mood... I still can't say that having more sugar is necessarily one of those triggers, but going to bed too late, not getting enough sleep, not waking up early enough to read my Bible and be ahead of my kids, not exercising and not having a creative outlet are some of my personal triggers.  In lieu of maintaining a strict Whole 30 diet, I've realized that maintaining these personal disciplines are more important for my daily routine.

I hope some of these observations have been helpful or at least entertaining for anyone reading this....I'm glad for the experience of Whole 30 and even more glad to have enjoyed my bowl of ice cream tonight!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 27 - cost and balance

Can I get a whoop whoop for tomorrow being my last day?!?!?  I'm pretty excited....and even more excited to celebrate my oldest's birthday!

I read an article earlier today about an extreme successful businesswoman who, in reflection, talks about how her success in the business world came at a cost that was not worth it.  The cost was her personal life...or rather lack of.

And it got me thinking about how everything has a cost.....not just in dollars, but in time, mental and emotional energy, personal relationships, etc.  And we often struggle to keep the costs in balance.

Speaking in terms of Whole 30 - regarding monetary cost:  it certainly costs a bit more for a diet in mostly meat and produce...BUT I did become more aware of how much I had previously spent on alcohol, dairy, and baked goods.  And of course, I became much more aware of how much time I spent in the kitchen during Whole 30...and the cost of it.

And the same applies to the cost we're willing to pay for entertainment, clothes, furniture, exercise, etc.  The same goes for saving money:  what am I willing to pay to save money? my time, energy, etc.  For me, it all boils down to my priorities.  What do I consider important enough to spend my time and energy on?  See, you can't have it all.  Everything costs something.

With Whole 30 I've seen just how much healthier I can eat...and now I know firsthand the costs associated with it.  Same goes with the job I used to have....I know how much fulfillment, enjoyment, satisfaction, identity, security, significance, etc I can find in a job, but having been a stay at home mom for almost five years now I know the cost is more than I am willing to pay.

Just as I am grateful for the time I had working, I'm grateful for the chance to do Whole 30, but I am ready to rebalance my priorities for what I consider to be an acceptable price.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 25 & 26 - recalibrate

Our pastor has often talked about how sometimes we need a little bit of 'recalibration' in our relationship with God.  In other words, sometimes, we're walking in step with Him...then along come distractions, bitterness, busyness, indifference, ingratitude.... all things that get us out of sync with Him and then we need to 'recalibrate' to get back in step with Him.

We talked a bit last night about what we'll do after Whole 30.  There are definitely some benefits gained from Whole 30....but it's not a regimen that is sustainable for this season of our lives.  So, do we totally ditch what we've gleaned and go back to all our old habits or is there a medium?

For me, now that I've experienced it, I can use this to recalibrate my diet.  If I know that I've been indulging in a little bit too much of this or that, or feeling like my insides could use a good 'clean' the guidelines of Whole 30 will be a good place to start.  It certainly can't be a bad thing to strip my diet down to the basics of vegetables, meats and fruits.... for a limited time, at least.

And back to the question from Friday.... to eat or not to eat. cake.  Well, I think I've made up my decision.  I will be doing the Whole 28.  :)  I'm happy with the decision.  And being very honest with myself I have absolutely no heartache over the decision.  And now I will finish out the last two days and be ready to share some ice cream and cake with my son, who is soooooo excited to turn 5!  5 years is the mark of us being parents for half the time that we've been married....seems significant to me.  :)

Day 24 - my dilemma

So, after I wrote yesterday's blog I realized that I had miscalculated day 30.  For whatever reason, I had in mind that day 31 was my oldest's 5th birthday......but after I wrote that yesterday was the one week mark I realized that my son's birthday is actually Day 28!  :(  Yep, it's kind of embarrassing that I miscalculated the dates, but I can blame it on February being a short month.... or just that I did bad math!  :(

So, here is my dilemma.  Do I finish out the 30 days like I had intended or will I just call it and partake of ice cream and birthday cake???  It's not so much that not eating ice cream or cake would ruin the birthday party (my son probably wouldn't even notice), but it's what I would remember.  I don't want to remember his 5th birthday party (which is extra special just because he is sssooooo excited about it!) and always have the 'yep, but I didn't have any ice cream with him because I was doing that whole 30 thing' as part of it.

And so far I haven't felt any extraordinary effects as a result of Whole 30 so I don't think two less days would be notable.... and just like the exclusion of regular white potatoes is somewhat arbitrary, I wonder if the '30' versus '28' days is arbitrary.

Then again, I'd be ssoooo close to doing the whole Whole 30!  It may be my pride that gets me in the end....

As for today's recordings:  it was a long day....and today we were snowed in so that always makes for what seems like even longer days.  Which leads me to more of a 'getting by' standard of eating....which means I ate a LOT of brussel sprouts today!  I've been trying out new recipes and I'm a bit addicted (I know, I know...isn't the whole point of Whole 30 to break me of food addictions???) to the savory taste of roasted brussel sprouts.  Seriously.  I. ate. a. lot. of. brussel. sprouts.  Probably the equivalent of a month's worth.

More to follow this weekend on my decision about 28 vs 30!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 23 - one week left!

Can I get a big whoop whoop???

Homestretch...... then I can raid slowly start enjoying all the little goodies that i've stashed away in the freezer.  :)  Delayed gratification will taste soooo good!

I think the biggest thing I realized today is that just in the same way that I like variety in all things ( clothes, color, sports, hairstyles, etc), I like variety in my foods/tastes.  It's what I miss the most while doing Whole 30.  I've mentioned before that I like to end meals on a sweet note (a mint, or dessert!)...and I think it's because it rounds out the variety of flavors I crave.  I like savory and sweet.  One isn't quite so good without the other.

On Whole 30 it's mostly been a palate of savory.... and I get tired of just one thing pretty easily.  Sweet isn't such a bad thing - sweet and sour, sweet and salty, etc.  Just like you can't appreciate the light without the dark, you can't fully appreciate the savory without the sweet (or at least I can't).  And so I find that my appetite is not quite satiated at the day's end because I haven't had that 'sweet' variety.  I keep trying to make up for it with a different flavor/seasoning on my meat, different veggies, different way of preparing veggies, different types of nuts, etc, but you just can't use a counterfeit for the real deal.

I think that can apply to many areas of life...trying to fill our soul's real need for a Savior with so many other 'shiny' things.  Our souls , deep down, know the difference and my taste buds do, too!  Ain't no chicken rub/sautee/veggie wrap/roast/whatever gonna fulfill the yearning for a lick of some sweet, creamy ice cream!

So, what's my conclusion?  Everything in moderation.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Moderation.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 22 - Control

Expanding from yesterday's topic of 'if I only knew'...  it comes down to control (personally, speaking...and maybe for you, whoever you reader person may be :)).

It's about wanting to have control... I'm tempted to say more moms are control freaks advocates than the rest of the general population..but I could be wrong (it's just because that's the world I'm most intimately familiar with right now...I guess high powered business/career folks are, too?).  Anyway, we like control...and to a certain degree it is good.  While my children are young, it is good for me to have control over them lest they run into the street, climb on a hot stove or jump on their infant sibling.  BUT, we often want to have control because we're under the delusion that we actually have control.

The thing I've learned a lot of recently is that we DON'T have control... (self control and reacting to situations, is a different type of control that I'm talking about).  Often times, we are faced with situations that were simply out of our control.  After that, the only thing we DO have control over is how we react to the situation that was out of our control.  Make sense?

And so it goes with Whole 30 and any other food belief system.  Based on all the scientific evidence, research, testimonials, 'proof', we think that we need to control what we eat because of what it will do/does to us.  And it can become consuming.  I thought of this because I was remembering again when we were deployed and had pretty much no control over what we ate... aside from the mess hall versus Burger King (yes, we had BK in the middle of the desert!).  My choice was shelf stable chocolate milk or shelf stable banana flavored milk.  Yep.  Chocolate milk every time and you know what?  I actually thought it tasted good!  I had no control of the food I ate and I don't remember being stressed once about food while I was deployed (except when we had to scrounge the MRE box and found the jambalaya.... no thank you!).  

Once I realize/remember that I am not in control, it actually brings a great deal of freedom.  So what?  - I didn't have a chance to put together an organic, free range, non-GMO, gluten-free, paleo/whole 30 compliant lunch for my kiddos.  Breathe.  They had pop tarts today.  Breathe.  Something fell off my plate (no pun intended), they had a pop tart (and loved every bite of it) and they're going to be just fine.  I can only try to control so much, but the rest is in the hands of the God Almighty and that is quite a relief to me.    

Day 21 - Glad I don't always know...

what is going to happen.  Often times, I think "if I just knew it was going to happen" or "if I could just have some predictability"... I think it a lot - in regards to what my day is going to be like, what the traffic is like, where/when our next move will be, etc.  When my kids will reach certain milestones, etc. So often I think 'if I just knew'.... if would all be better.

But the thing is, I've come to learn and appreciate the fact that I do not know.  If I knew what was about to happen there's a good chance we might not have a fourth baby (and I CAN'T imagine NOT having her with us).  I think our minds our too finite to be able to know, process and grasp the infinite world of 'knowns'.

And sometimes, just sometimes, the unknowns and all that goes along with it, is good for us.  It makes us trust, produces faith and perseverance and reminds us that we are such limited, finite beings.  The unknowns are often trials we're forced to go through, but in the end we come out even more refined...but had we known of the trial to come, we might not have chosen to endure it.

I'm not exactly sure how this is linked with Whole 30....and sorry if I'm not articulating what I mean very well....but it's what's on my heart and I hope to better explain it later.

In the meantime, I had another egg breakfast (with guac, salsa and homemade mayo...can you tell I LOVE condiments?), chicken salad for lunch and another salad for dinner while we were out.  Nothing out of this world or exceptional....

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 20 - not a hater

Whoop Whoop!  10 day left!!!!  Which means 11 days til my son's birthday!  Not sure which I'm more excited about.... see, I get really excited to celebrate birthdays because growing up with both parents working and not much money, birthday celebrations were fairly simple (not that simple is bad!).  I just really appreciate having the chance to celebrate.  We've also experienced enough heart break in this world to want to take full advantage of the moments to celebrate when we have them.  I'm totally off topic, though...

Back to Whole 30.  Today's meals consisted of a pretty normal breakfast with fruit, salad with hard boiled eggs, apple and almond butter for a snack and a chicken stew for dinner (crock pot chicken...random spices, veggies and coconut milk for thickening) and sweet potato fries.  I love me some sweet potato fries on this diet!  Tomorrow will be eggs for breakfast, probably a similar lunch (quick and easy) and mexican dinner of taco seasoned beef and home made guac.  :)

So, in regards to the title of today's post, I want to clarify that I am not a Whole 30 Hater.  I need to say that because I feel like most of my posts have 'poo pooed' Whole 30.  But it very well might be a saving grace for some people.  Many have testified to how it has changed their life.  It just hasn't for me.  That doesn't mean I think it's a total sham.... I know some great folks who wholeheartedly endorse Whole 30.  So far, it just has not changed my life in a significant enough way to warrant the significant lifestyle change.  I hope this makes sense and is clear.

I read something recently from Acts speaking about repentance it talks about 'times of refreshing'. And earlier it talks in John 21 about when the disciples caught such a huge load of fish that they could barely haul the net out of the water - they were overwhelmed with how many fish they caught - yet, their net did not tear.  See, sometimes, we are pushed to our limits...sometimes with tough times, sometimes with blessings....we're often given more than what we think we can handle, but the Lord always upholds us (He promises to every time) and He brings times of refreshing.

I know that it may seem like I complain about the amount of effort Whole 30 requires (at least when you're feeding a family of little ones), but it's not because of the effort that I discount Whole 30.  It's because there haven't really been 'times of refreshing' along with the extra effort.  I hope that makes sense.  In other words, I'm not opposed to eating healthy and working a little harder to eat healthier and be a good steward of our bodies.  I just haven't seen the 'tiger blood' or 'easy sleep' after 20 days with a significant amount of my resources (being time and energy) devoted to Whole 30 thus far.

If it works for you, good for you!  I'm just trying to record my honest observations.  Maybe I will see more a difference after Whole 30, as I start adding things back into my diet....?  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 17- try, try and try again

So glad I have cauliflower rice another 'go'.  I tried it again today and for whatever reason it turned out delicious!! And it was really easy, too! And also had chocolate chili, which turned out better than imagined.  I only tried the cauliflower rice again because of a friend's enthusiastic post about the many different uses of it... I figured if she really liked it THAT much I could give it another go!  So, I leaned that though something may not have worked the first time, trying again can't hurt.

And I had the rice with kimchee and guess what??? No gas! Maybe it's the combination? Maybe extra fermentation time? I don't know why, but what a nice side effect ( or lack thereof).

That's all for today... Nothing ground breaking.... But another sweet day shared with good friends.

Days 18 &19 - Fear

Whoa!  Oopsie daisy - did I really let 2 days go again without recording my entries?

Well, I'll get to the point of today's entry:  Who/What do you fear?

Our pastor mentioned something in our sermon this morning about fears and how they can be correctly/incorrectly placed.  For example, if you don't fear God, then you will fear many, many other things in life....everything from dying of cancer to fear of what people think of you.  BUT, if you fear God FIRST, then all other fears fade and take second stage.  I'm not trying to minimize things that are legit fears ... two of my kids had to be screened by a pediatric neurologist last week..I understand fears. But if we fear God first and foremost, then everything else can be put in perspective.

This got me thinking about Whole 30 and why people do it.  As a girl, I KNOW that so many of us struggle with body image - aka being skinny.  We fear other people not thinking we're skinny enough and we flat out fear knowing that we're not as skinny as we want to be.  Why?  Because somehow our culture has defined beauty as skinny.  I know some of those that are genetically blessed may say that being skinny isn't all that, but I would challenge them because if they all the sudden lost their 'skinny gene', I bet the pursuit of being 'skinny' would become paramount.  I say that because I used to be like that.  Before having kids, being thin was easy....I worked out if/when I wanted to, ate pretty much what I wanted to and never had to worry about being thin and I would tell folks that being thin wasn't such a big deal.  But post four kiddos and my metabolism slowing down and having to work a little harder to fit into my jeans, I now truly understand the desire/pursuit to be skinny.

So how does that all tie in with fears?  Because I wonder if it's the fear of our body image that drives some folks to do Whole 30.  I'm not saying everyone....but some.  And the fear of eating something 'bad', 'evil', 'dirty', etc.  And what I learned this morning is that the biggest 'fear' I should have is what I will face on the day of judgement.  When I stand before the God of the Universe I desperately want to hear Him say 'well done, good and faithful servant'.  I fear not having loved God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength because I was too busy being afraid of other things.

I don't know if this will make sense to everyone, but it convicted my heart today.  I need to fear one thing and one thing only....and it is not 'not being skinny' or 'unclean food'.