Saturday, November 8, 2014

Jigsaw puzzles, lego battles,Veteran's Day and the Giving Keys

Our car is a circus act.  Seriously.  We underestimated the challenge of fitting five car seats in our minivan.  The other night, all five kids were asleep, which means WE should be asleep, too, but we spent about 40 minutes in the garage trying to reconfigure everything.  It's not the best activity to choose when sleep deprived.  :)  We have a temporary solution, but still need to work on a better/workable solution...anyone want to trade a suburban for an Odyssey???  :)

As maddening as it felt, trying to figure out this jigsaw puzzle of car seats, it was somewhat of a welcome break from all the cancer research/appointments/tests/scans/questions/etc.  It just felt so normal to focus on car seats.  So, in a way, I'm thankful for our '2 booster + 2 harnessed car seats + 1 infant seat doesn't really fit in an Odyssey' problem.  It's a normal problem.  I'm a fan of normal right now.

And we have been blessed over and over again with friends dropping off meals, mailing snacks, gifts, passing along research, sending cards and gift cards.  I can't say how encouraging it has been, not to mention so helpful in practical ways.  The other night the kids wanted to have their lego battle with some newly acquired army figures.... and I was able to enjoy the 'battle' because I wasn't preparing dinner, or trying to find more research on line or running out to the store to pick something up.  What I'm trying to say is, the meals and gifts have been more than just meals and gifts...they have given me moments with the kids that I otherwise wouldn't get...and moments that may be limited in the near future.

On Friday, our kids' school had a Veteran's Day ceremony...very well done and topped off by a very cool fly over!  It was a sobering reminder of our friends, some of whom, have sacrificed much.  So much.  And I was reminded to pray for some friends and their relationship.  And we're praying for a little baby boy who is spending his first week in the NICU.  And I know you don't need cancer for the days of parenting littles ones to be hard and take their toll.  And for those friends who are doing it all while their spouse is deployed.  There is so much else to be prayed for than just my cancer.  And so know that I want to pray for you as well.  It's something I can do.

And for news on the cancer front:  we met with two different oncologists (one for chemo and one for radiation) this week and have been in touch with our surgeon trying to figure out a date for surgery.  The good news is that based on the MRI, the official measurement of my tumor is 1.9cm vs the 2.2 cm measurement from the ultrasound.  We won't really know the final size until surgery, but hey, I'll take smaller vs bigger!  :)  From the initial scans and exams, there is no sign that the cancer has spread into my lymph nodes.  They will do a procedure during surgery to officially determine whether or not cancer is in my lymph nodes...if the lab results come back as negative, then we are one huge step in the right direction!  And here is one of the best things I have heard all week:  from the mouth of the last oncologist we saw.  If my tumor is indeed smaller and 2cm, and if the lab results of lymph nodes come back as negative, I could officially be considered Stage 1 vs Stage 2!  This doesn't necessarily change my surgery, but it would be a huge encouragement to be considered Stage 1.

And of course, I promise to keep it real.  I can joke and have so many things to praise God for, but I am also very human and I struggle.  When it comes down to it, I don't want to do surgery, I don't want to do chemo, I don't want to do radiation, I don't want my kids to see me sick, I don't want my kids to see my bald, I don't want to see my body covered in scars with drains sticking out after surgery, I just don't want to have cancer.  But above all those things that I don't want, I DO want to fight this fight well and give God all the Glory.  All the good that comes from this and from my lips is because of God.  I want Him to be revealed in this fight.  I want more than ever before, for my kids to have such a deep foundation in God that when storms come their way, which they will, they will know where their anchor of Hope comes from.  I want you to pray for me in crazy, expectant ways, and be blown away when God answers your prayers.  I want you, my family and friends, to know Him better through this fight.  If I could go to bed and wake up to tell Rich about this crazy dream I had where I was diagnosed with cancer, I would.  But I've been given this fight and I'm going to do my darned best to kick some cancer tail and give God all the Glory.  You better keep me accountable to that!

And speaking of prayer, here are some specific requests we have:
1) figuring out an OR date:  we have to coordinate a few different surgeons and OR time and hope it all lines up to maximize my recovery while my mom is in town.  And I really need to have Raleigh Mae weaned by then.  We are looking at anywhere from the 14th, 17th or 1st or 5th of December.  Trusting God for the right date.

2) that the lab results from my biopsy would come back as negative.  It would give me the option of avoiding radiation (if I opt for a double/bilateral mastectomy).

3) that we have clarity of thought, wisdom and agreement from our doctors on what type of surgery to do - lumpectomy, mastectomy or double mastectomy with reconstruction.  And that when I wake up from surgery, I would have a peace that comes only from God as I see my 'new' body and learn to accept it.  And that we would avoid infections and complications.

4) that I would know how to prepare for recovery after surgery - I will have to wear different clothes, and have very limited movement/use of my arms; it will be a big adjustment and we're thinking through all the ways to prepare for it.

And to end on a positive note, my husband surprised me with a very cool gift today.  It's from a company called The Giving Keys.  It's a necklace with a key on it inscribed with 'blessed'.  Look it up for a better description, but the bottom line is it is a necklace that someday I hope to pass on to someone who may need the encouragement.  and I'll be able to tell them my story of cancer and how we beat it and all the ways that God revealed Himself.

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