Thursday, November 20, 2014

From circus to orchestra.....and being tired.

I've said before that sometimes our car and our house feel like a circus.... when I look around I can almost sometimes hear circus music playing in the background.  Between having a baby, 11 doctor's appointments/scans/tests and adjusting to life with five kiddos, life has felt like a juggling act for the past few weeks.  We have had countless family and friends step in to encourage us, make meals for us, send us notes of encouragement, send gifts, watch kids, pick up older kids from school, clean the house, check in to see how we are doing - we have been loved on extravagantly.  Thank you so, so much.  

We know that others are also going through trials  - from the struggle with the everyday mundane to deployments and everything in between - and loving on us in the midst of that is a sacrifice and it does not go unnoticed.  

It's been our first week without appointments...which has given me a chance to do more research/ask more questions/prepare for the first step, which is surgery.  We met with our surgeon last Friday and during our conversation I mentioned something about praying...  and get this:  He said (something along the lines of ) "you know, it's funny that you  mention prayer because I've had four different occasions of different people mentioning that they were praying for you.  And they don't know that I know you, much less that I'm your surgeon (all in the name of doctor patient confidentiality)."  W.O.W.  Seriously, my surgeon is being shown that God is at work here.  And we are being shown that this situation/diagnosis/cancer and my life is not a circus.  God is orchestrating all things.  For our good.  And His Glory.  

As if that wasn't cool enough, a few days ago my husband got a call from a guy that we've never met.  He said his small group had been praying for us (again, we don't know this guy!) and through a series of events, he realized that we have a very good mutual friend - a friendship of over 10 years!  Have I said how crazy cool God is?  

Because here's the thing:  God doesn't have to show us these mercies.  He could just tell us in His word that He is faithful and good and leave it at that.  But nope, our God chooses to reveal His mercies to us continually because He knows what we need.  He knows when we need encouragement.  He knows when I need to see concrete evidence of His Glory being revealed through my good.  Our life is not a circus comprised of random events.  He is orchestrating all things, in control for our good and His glory.  It has always been, is and will continue to be all in His perfect hands.    

And now here's the nitty gritty:

1) As we wait for the surgery date to draw near, my tears seem closer to the surface.  Maybe it's because I don't have a bunch of appointments to distract me and because I'm having to wean Raleigh more and more,  Maybe it's because the reality of everything is finally starting to sink in.  Maybe it's because I'm tired.  Maybe it's because I have friends offering to fly in to help me post surgery and it makes me realize that this is a big deal.  Maybe it's all of it.  But I'm fighting more and more to keep the tears at bay because I don't want to give in quite yet.  The tears may flow days before surgery or the morning of surgery, or even after surgery, but for now, I'm just not ready for them to flow yet.  I'm not sure how to translate this into a prayer request, so I'll just leave this as it is for now.  

2) The morning of surgery, they will inject me with some dye to help determine where my 'sentinal' lymphnodes are for the biopsy.  There will be a wait of 45 min to 2 hours while we wait for the dye to spread..... pray that I would not run away from the hospital and hop a plane to a secluded island while I wait.  Pray that my nerves would be under control and for the peace that surpasses all understanding.  And you have suggestions for any fun, upbeat songs/playlist or something funny to read by all means pass it along (maybe some Michael Jackson's thriller?  I don't know...just something to distract me).  

3) After the lymphnode biopsy, they will send the cells to the lab to determine whether or not the cancer has spread.  During all the exams and scans, there has been no evidence that it has spread, but this will tell us for sure.  Pray that the lab results return negative.  That my lymphnodes would be clear.  This would mean I can avoid radiation.  Please pray that the cancer has not spread.  

4) While the lab is working on my results, the surgeon will proceed with the double mastectomy.  Please pray for my surgeon and his team - my surgeon's name is Luke.  Please pray not just for a competent team, but that somehow through all this, through my being their patient that they would see God's Glory.  That they would somehow see God in my cancer.  I have no idea how that would happen, but let's just pray for the doctors and nurses to be touched in a very real way.  

5) Once the mastectomy is complete, the plastic surgeon will step in for the reconstruction (which will be completed in phases).  Pray for him as well.  I'll call him Dr. Z.  Pray that He would see God in all this.  And I'll be a bit personal and honest here (as if I haven't been already???).  Please pray that His work is good - honestly, I want to be 'aesthetically happy' with his work.  Because I plan to kick this cancer in the tail and years down the road I'd really appreciate being happy with my 'girls'.  :)  

6) And please pray for the recovery - for no complications/infections.  That I would respond well to the surgery and anaesthesia.  That I would have a sense of peace as I see my 'new normal' self for the first time.  And please pray for for my family and friends who will be helping me during recovery...for grace upon grace on them as they deal with a 'sick and not so fun Jen' and put their needs/responsibilities on hold to help us.  

Here's a passage that I have been reminded of over and over again...and may you be encouraged by it as well:  

" For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of His Glory, He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith - that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.  Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.  Amen."  Hebrews 3: 14-21.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Jen! I wanted to tell you how I would deal with the emotions when going through the fire. I am a pretty controlled person so just letting the tears flow isn't really "me". So, no kidding, I would schedule my cries. When I could feel it building up, I would choose a time, go into Gage's room and just ugly cry it out. When I was done, I would pick myself back up and put the tears away until next time :) And also, if you haven't read The Hunger Games - they aren't funny but Isaac and I were both like teenage girls reading them. We couldn't function as adults until we were done. We have been praying for you here in CO and we're pretty close to God at this altitude so that's good ;)
