Thursday, October 30, 2014

In Awe

First things first:  Praise God for a healthy baby and delivery!

Raleigh Mae Hartney was born October 24th, 2014, 1:14 p.m., weighing 6 lbs, 12.8 oz.  :)  She is perfect.  Such a gift.  

I had zero complications and am leaps and bounds ahead of where I was after the last two births.  Thank you for your prayers.  We are so grateful that I came home with no transfusions - thank you, but you can keep the blood 'cause this momma don't need it!  

It's been almost a week of soaking her in while my head swirls with countless doctor's names, numbers, titles and appointments.  With everything we're trying to keep track of Rich made a wise suggestion to compile a 'cancer binder'.  Which was a fun distraction because, of course, I want to make it look pretty.  :)  

Thank you, everyone - family and friends - for all your encouragement and words of scripture and reminders that we are not in this alone.  I'm blown away by the gifts (yes, folks sent Halloween costumes for the kiddos - AWESOME!), meals, countless offers to help, texts just to 'check in' and generosity.  Geesh, you'd think I just told you I had cancer or something..... oh yeah.  I do.  

And as a friend put it, the reality of everything hits me in waves.  Raleigh has been such a sweet distraction from everything else - from having to take a break from researching/scheduling/coordinating to feed her or funny things like being so relieved to get through parent teacher conferences without cabbage leaves falling out of my shirt ( consider yourself lucky if you don't know what this means).  I had some quiet moments in the shower the other day and just found myself asking God, 'please, let me live to see my children's children....and their children.  Please, Lord.'  I was reminded that even though I have this diagnosis, it doesn't change who my Creator is one bit.  He has always been, is and always will be the One who knit me in my mother's womb, and at the same time commands the heavens and earth.  So, even in the moments when I feel like I am 'walking through the valley of the shadow of death', I do not have to fear.  He is our strength and shield and help in times of trouble.  

His mercies are new every morning.  Today we had the first of a series of appointments with a geneticist.  The doc was really great - she took her time explaining everything while I took notes.  This was good because when you first walk into an oncology clinic and are surrounded by dozens of mannequin heads with wigs and bandanas it feels a bit surreal (by the way, if I have to shave my head I'm going to color it something funky first....taking votes - blonde, deep red or light brown??? :)).  And then I'm snapped back into reality as Raleigh has her first blow out and Rich and I are teaming up to get her cleaned up....actually, I just handed Rich the wipes. He did the dirty work.  And is it just not ironic to be breastfeeding, too??  The doc set up the genetic test for me right after our appointment which is a huge praise - it's a week earlier than was originally scheduled!  And the biggest joy was seeing what a breath of fresh air Raleigh brought to the clinic.  This little bundle of perfect, fresh, life in the midst of cancer patients.  The staff just ogled over her.  We've been on the receiving end of so much goodness - it felt good to bring something good to others.     

Tomorrow we have a busy day of mammogram, ultrasound and MRI...some will understand what I mean when I say it is going to be tricky due to the fact that I'm nursing.  But I just have to rely on God to get us through...I keep trying to come up with a timeline of feedings or how to work around the issue of being very full of milk and all these exams, but I'm just taking a deep breath and trusting God to get us through it.  

In the meantime, here are a few pics of our new addition.  God is good.  

Just for fun - mustache day at school!

The biggest and littlest sis
                                                          Dad with his hands full.  :)                        

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