Monday, August 31, 2015

Have a GOOD Day

To say I was a bundle of nerves last Friday just might be an understatement....but thank you for praying so faithfully, friends and family!  There was another gentlemen going through a scan in another room who had a panic attack and couldn't finish, but mine went smoothly.  The reason why?  Because of God's grace and all the folks who said they were praying for me.  Seriously.  I've learned that I can jump out of airplanes and helicopters from thousands of feet high, but put me in a metal tube and forgettabout it!  Thank you, thank you for the constant support.

Just a little insight into the process...the timeline of the radioactive injection is very specific.  I had to start at a certain time and after the tech injected me with the radioactive sugar tracer (the syringe was encase in a lead shield...crazy, anyone???), I was told to sit quietly and relax for about an hour.  Again, I'm not sure how people relax after knowing what they've been injected with (I couldn't read a book or do anything other than sit because the material would be taken up by my brain which they didn't want to do..again, crazy...???), but somehow, by the prayers of y'all, I actually managed to catch a few catnaps.  That says a LOT.  I went to the bathroom before the actual scan and saw this sign:

 Which made me cringe and then straight up laugh.  Again...crazy.  Whoever/However they discovered this process is absolutely beyond me and I can honestly say out of all the things I am interested in, nuclear medicine is NOT one of them.

I was thankful to have the scan OVER and as I walked out, there were so many fears in the back of my mind.... 'what are you going to do if the results come back showing more cancer?', 'have I just been utterly wasting my effort and time with alternate treatment?', 'will I be back in for another scan in another month?', 'did Rich and I choose the wrong treatment and not discern God's voice well enough?'...the list could go on....but one of the most powerful encouragements have been friends who have literally spoken life and healing over me.  I'm not sure if this makes sense, but sometimes, when you're in the middle of the storm and getting knocked down, it's hard to hope.  And sometimes, you need others to hope for you.  And to remind me that our hope is not determined by our circumstances....our hope is determined by the ONE we hope in.  Let me say that another way.  My hope is not secured by circumstances, my hope is anchored in Jesus Christ who loved me enough to die for me in order that I may have LIFE and have LIFE to the fullest through faith (relationship) in Him.

And this brings me to the title of this post:  Have a GOOD day.  We just received the official results of the scan (amazingly weeks EARLIER than I had thought!).  My kiddos are running around in a post-school-hyper-tired-need-a-snack mix of crankiness, but I don't care because I have to share this NEWS...because "what God has whispered to you in the darkness, shout if from the rooftops!" (Matthew 10:27):

 I AM CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!  Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!!

Do I think different food/lifestyle/nutrition has healed me?  Absolutely not.  Has it at least helped?  Definitely.  Could I have had the same result after doing chemo and radiation?  Quite possibly.  So, how do I get to say I AM CANCER FREE?????  Only by the grace of God.  To God be ALL the Glory.  Amen.

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