Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Offensive.

It has been a week.  And it came on the heels of several weeks of having at least one sick kid (cause they never all get sick at the same time.....they take turns.....and s.t.r.i.n.g. it oooouuuutttttt over several weeks).  And broken cars (one is completely my fault and another was just an accident).

My daughter pointed this out to me (on the way to school, of course!).  My first thought was 'hmm....yup.  that's kind of how I feel right now.  I can totally identify with you, tire.'  

But this week also included the exciting news of promotions (which also means we know where we are most likely moving next!), a nerve wracking t.v. interview and rocks....lots of rocks (the rocks will make it in another post :)).

And of course in the middle of all this, God manages (I say that as if I should be surprised?) to weave together His indelible truths in my heart.

A few weeks ago I read about Lot and his incredible rescue by the angels (Genesis 19), as they literally pluck him out of an angry mob and save him just in time as the rest of the city is destroyed.  The story got my adrenaline pumping( - go read it - it's an incredible rescue mission) and then I read to the end which includes Lot eventually fathering his own grandsons, which I thought was not the most glamorous ending (after such a dramatic rescue!).  And it just made me think... 'was that kind of a waste of being saved?'  God promptly turned that around on me and asked 'are you wasting what I've given you?  Are you living out your purpose? You've been given MUCH and with that comes MUCH responsibility.'

And, as everyone knows, the promotion lists came out this week.  And we are so incredibly thankful and humbled to be on the list.  But it is A.L.L. GOD.  Every good thing comes from Him.  Yes, my husband happens to be super duper smart (hello? who gets a perfect math SAT score AND has a master's in English???  seriously. imagine living with that. :)).  But that super duper smartness is from GOD.  I just want to settle that one loud and clear.  And with the promotion comes the next move and job and of course more pay....which immediately made me think of the best way to use the resources He gives other words, with the extra resources comes extra responsibility to use it well and for His Glory.   But the responsibility would have been the same even if his name wasn't on the list because we believe God's hand would have been in that, even in the disappointment.

This always comes full circle with cancer.  I've been given a second chance.  I am feeling better than I could have imagined a year ago.  And what am I going to do with it?  Will I be one of the nine lepers who went on their way and forgot about Jesus after being healed or will I remember to be that one who turns around and remembers to thank Jesus?  Continually.

Which brings me to the title of this post.  All these truths were being woven together in my mind, but it has been a long week and to be quite frank, I just wanted to retreat.  Let me be clear here - I don't mean retreat in the sense of restoration, rejuvenation, revitalizing, regenerating, rest - those are good things.  I mean retreat as in 'slink back', 'run away', 'surrender', 'throw up my hands', 'crawl into a bubble'.  Literally.  Here's a copy of the text I sent to my husband after having wrestled my almost 18 month old through a grocery store with one arm because she just lost it after she couldn't carry a bag of tangerines to the checkout aisle.

The first text is my husband....Yes, I have one of THOSE.  An amazing husband who doesn't hesitate to give me some relief!
And as I mentioned earlier I had a t.v. interview to do for a project I am helping coordinate for our kids' school.  To say I was NERVOUS is a HUGE understatement.  I was a nervous wreck.  I absolutely cringe when I see or hear myself on t.v./any recording.  I just feel so much pressure to look/be/act perfect because, my goodness, everyone will see me and they just might realize that the hair, make up, clothes and good posture (I managed to sit up straight for once!) are all just a fraud compared to the mom inside who is tired, overwhelmed, fearful and not sure if she is 'liked'.  Can anyone identify with this??  (By the way, a little plug here for my amazing friend, Michelle, who is an image consultant and answered my gazillion questions of what to wear!  check her out here at darlignbydesign.)  Of course, the morning of the interview my little one decided that she was not going to cooperate and let the world know that teething really does hurt.     
Talk about being pulled outside my comfort zone...t.v. interview + miserable baby= nervous and cranky momma.  

But isn't it just like God to sweetly encourage me and remind me that 'retreating' is not His way?  Right when that is all I feel like doing?  A sweet friend (who definitely has the gift of ENCOURAGEMENT and her words make me blush!) told me about a new book by Priscilla Shirer called Fervent .  I read the preview provided by Amazon and it lit a fire in me.  Priscilla draws our attention back to the battle waging around us.  The unseen battle (remember the warrior angel I saw?  It is a battle friends...not just a friendly game of a thumb war) which includes an enemy who desires to see us retreat.  Who loves it when we give in to fear.  Who strategizes to undermine our best and distract us from the bigger mission at stake.  The bigger picture of living out our God given purposes while we still have breath on this earth.  Who wants us to doubt that we are seen and known and even LIKED by the Creator of the Universe.  He, the enemy, wants nothing more than to see us retreat.  But we already have the victory.  And we get to be a part of how it plays out, by the Grace of God.

It's never the wrong time to have a battle plan!
So, I don't know where this week has left you or where you are on the battlefield.  Maybe you're in the trenches and just want to shut your eyes and curl into a ball....or maybe just ssslllleeeepppp (hello, exhausted parents of littles!).  Or maybe you are already out there, kicking tail and doing battle with the enemy and paving a path for those of us who just need a little break so we can dust ourselves off and get back in the fight.  Either way, I am thankful for the reminder that we are in a battle that has already been WON.  We just get to choose how to take part in that victory.  It's time to be on offense.

Y'all may have seen this already, but you can never laugh too much or take yourself  too seriously, right? :)  

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