Monday, June 1, 2015

MTHFR and the Knife Guy who Prayed For Me.

It is an odd title, I admit.  But I'm hoping it caught your attention.   And please stick with me through this longer than normal post.

MTHFR is a genetic mutation that affects your body's ability to methylate.  Yep, I didn't know what that meant at first, but I've learned a good bit over the weekend since I got my lab results back on Friday afternoon.

But first - the knife guy.  I just had to share this story.  I'll try to be brief and get back to MTHFR....

A couple weekends ago we went on a family outing to a downtown artisan and farmer's market.... there were some interesting vendors to include a local, clean/green restaurant that is also raising awareness of GMOs, a local farmer selling some delicious lamb, a group promoting safe biking and had a bike set up with a blender on the back which allowed you to make a smoothie by pedaling!, and finally on our way out we saw a vendor with a sign for knife sharpening services.  This was the most exciting part for me.
We had talked about getting our knives sharpened for a while because I could tell I was putting a good bit more muscle into cutting than I should.....(happens when you don't sharpen your knives for 13 years).

I contacted the owner during the week about getting my knives sharpened and long story short he picked them up, personally, from my home and I coordinated to meet him and pick them up the next day.  While we were talking I mentioned that I had started teaching some classes and would love to spread the word about his business.  I finally told him how the passion to teach classes started from a cancer diagnosis.....and go figure, he share that he used to be a True Food Kitchen cook...which is a concept developed partly by Dr. Weil...with the idea that good, healthy food also TASTES good.  This guy is a REAL chef, that knows the value of healthy food and knows how to make it taste good and actually earned money doing it.  :)

As if that wasn't exciting enough, he then asked "Are you a Christian?".  Totally out of the blue.  And I said "yes, are you?".  Next thing you know he asks if he can pray for me and ready, set, go, he puts out his hands and there I am in the parking lot where I thought I was going to merely pick up my sharpened knives and now I'm also being prayed for.  I drove home just amazed that God had orchestrated all that.  My knife sharpener just prayed for me in public to be healed from cancer.  Crazy God Cool.

If y'all are in the area and what his info, let me know.  :)

Onto MTHFR.  What's the big deal about methylation?

"Methylation is a core process that occurs in all cells to help your body make biochemical conversions.  When people with genetic mutations is MTHFR are exposed to toxins, they have a harder time getting rid of them which can cause some very serious illnesses.  The methylation process is responsible for:
  • Cellular Repair: synthesis of nucleic acids, production & repair of DNA & mRNA
  • Detoxification and Neurotransmistter  Production:  interconversion of amino acids
  • Healthy Immune System Function:  formation & maturation of red blood cells, white blood cells & platelet production
The 677T variant is most commonly associated  with early heart disease and stroke and the 1298C variant with a variety chronic illnesses, but either anomaly can cause a wide variety of health problems.  The MTHFR anomaly is reported out as heterozygous or homozygous.  If you are heterozygous that means you have one affected gene and one normal gene.  Your enzyme activity will run at about 60% efficiency compared to a normal.

If you are homozygous or have 2 abnormal copies, then enzyme efficiency drops down to 10% to 20% of normal, which can be very serious."

Having this genetic mutation also means that your body cannot effectively use folic acid..."

Having MTHFR is also associated with cardiovascular risks:  

"Individuals with low activity of the MTHFR enzyme may present with elevated homocysteine levels, which have been associated with inflammation and heart disease, birth defects, difficult pregnancies, and potentially an impaired ability to detoxify.
Nutrient deficiencies in Folate, B6 and B12 have been associated with elevated homocysteine.
Individuals with the MTHFR gene actually have a difficult time processing folic acid that is present in most cheap supplements and added to processed foods. Some professionals claim that this type of folic acid may even cause a build-up in the body leading to toxicity. Studies have been done that showed folic acid supplements increased cancer risk… one more reason to ditch processed foods and your multivitamin!"
My lab results showed elevated homocysteine levels which is associated with risk of stroke and heart attack.  And another test result showed that I had thickening/stiffening of my heart walls.  Now bear with me on this y'all, but is it, could it be possible, that through cancer, God helped me avoid a heart attack?  Never in a gazillion years would I have considered myself at risk for heart attack, but the numbers don't lie.  Sure, just because you have a 'risk' for something doesn't mean you actually end up getting it, but I am glad to know I have this risk and figure out how to minimize it.  

Also, MTHFR is said to inhibit your body's ability to detoxify.  And it is being widely documented that many environmental toxins are associated with increasing your cancer risk.  The Environmental Working Group, EWG, is a great resource for identifying chemicals in your food, household cleaners and cosmetics that are harmful and possibly carcinogenic.  They also provide a list of great, 'clean' resources to swap out. 

Even the World Health Organization made a statement recently, identifying Glyphosate, as probably carcinogenic.  
"Earlier this month, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer announced findings that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp line of pesticides, is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” The research,published in The Lancet Oncology, relies on studies conducted on the chemical over the last few decades.

Use of glyphosate – which the EPA has deemed safe — has soared in the last two decades with the introduction of crops genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide. Glyphosate is also a main ingredient in a new product called “Enlist Duo” recently introduced by Dow Chemical."

"The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – WHO’s cancer agency – said that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide made by agriculture company Monsanto, was “classified as probably carcinogenic to humans”.
It also said there was “limited evidence” that glyphosate was carcinogenic in humans for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company, said scientific data did not support the conclusions and called on WHO to hold an urgent meeting to explain the findings. “We don’t know how IARC could reach a conclusion that is such a dramatic departure from the conclusion reached by all regulatory agencies around the globe,” said Philip Miller, Monsanto’s vice-president of global regulatory affairs."
Again, I am not a scientist.  I am merely a cancer (hope to be SURVIVOR) fighter trying my best to plug through all the research, articles, books the best I can with discernment.  I am constantly learning and hoping to share what may be helpful to know.  
Just putting two and two together, I now know that I have a genetic mutation that inhibits my body's ability to process some key nutrients, effectively use one of the most powerful antioxidants, glutathione, and detoxify.  According to all that I have read ALL of this contributes to an increased risk for cancer.  I go back to my appointment at MD Anderson where my doctor told me that getting cancer is 'sporadic' and I say,  Nope.  It is not sporadic.  There is a CAUSE.  I don't know THE cause, but I am beginning to understand that there is a landscape in which people are at more risk for cancer.  I applaud the sentiment to 'run for the cure', but I would love to see more 'run for the cause'.  Because let's face it.  Wouldn't you rather PREVENT cancer than detect it?  I'm super thankful for the ability to detect and I believe it has helped save lives through early intervention.  But I hope and pray to continue spreading knowledge about how to prevent cancer, not just detect it.  
Here is another great link by Wellness Mama about MTHFR.
And another great resource by Dr. Lynch.
And just for kicks, I also found out that I have adrenal fatigue.  More to come on that next time......